Using Fluxity

  • What do I need to do to start streaming with Fluxity?

First, you need to install the Freighter Wallet extension. Secondly, you need to make sure you add the Futurenet network to your wallet.

  • What is the Freighter extension, and how can I install it?

Freighter is a wallet extension to interact with Stellar and Soroban. You can install it from the Firefox Add-ons section or Google Chrome Store.

  • Can I use Fluxity on my mobile phone?

Due to the limitations of the Freighter extension, you can only use Fluxity on a desktop or any other device that supports it. Fluxity will be available on all devices in the near future, so you can leave your email [here] to be there first to hear about it.

  • How can I get test tokens to try token streaming on Fluxity?

You can receive test tokens to try out Fluxity at no cost by clicking the Claim Test Tokens button from the Home page of the app.

  • What kinds of tokens can I use in Fluxity?

All ERC20-like tokens available on Soroban or Stellar tokens bridged to Soroban can be used to create streams in Fluxity.

  • Why can’t I see my test tokens in my wallet?

You need to manually add the test token’s address to your Freighter Wallet. You can find the relevant addresses from the stream details on the Activity History page.

  • What networks does Fluxity support?

Fluxity currently supports standard Futurenet networks supported by Stellar.

  • Can I stream between different blockchains?

No. However, you can use your trustline in Stellar on Futurenet.

Last updated